“Awareness is the great gift of death. For many people, authentic life starts at the time of death — not our own, but someone else’s.“

~Rachel Naomi Remen

how i got here

my bio mother died unexpectedly at 62 years old. i was 42 at the time, and mixed in with all the other thoughts and feels, i wondered:

“what if i only have 20 years left?!“

and because there’s no real way to know for sure, i began to bring more awareness to living.

no longer prioritizing being who others wanted (or expected) me to be. but instead, coming into who i was born as; remembering and consciously recognizing what’s most important to me.

because i dunno about you, but i don’t want to be full of regret at the end (whenever it comes).

why it matters

we’re not one-dimensional beings. not a one of us. but we’re taught that we need to be a certain shape to fit the (societal, familial, or other) mold.

fuck (all of) that.

from the moment of our first breath on this beautiful planet, we’re full of delightfully subversive paradox.

and the fullness of our Selves (including that paradox) isn’t easy to control. so yes, it’s pushed down and aside.

but then it becomes our responsibility to choose to reclaim it. maybe as if our lives depend on it.

(because maybe they do.)

this is part of the gold that i have for you

and here’s what you really get with me, specifically…

i hear what’s underneath.

in fact, i have an exceptional level of skill at hearing underneath what you say, and what you don’t. (thank you, 8th House Sun!)

is it perfect?! no.
am i psychic?! again, no.

but it is just part of how i’m made…

i can hear what’s going on under the surface.

under what’s noticed by most.

so part of what we’ll do together is… i’m gonna listen the way that i do, and i’ll ask you to check in with yourself to find out how it’s landing inside of you in that moment. we can then adjust the sails and chart a path forward that feels most aligned to the destination you’re aiming for.

some of the tools i will engage to this end include:

  • all of my own in-built senses (like what i mentioned above)

  • tarot / oracle / identity (etc…) cards

  • astrology & archetypal astrology (listed separately intentionally)

  • bespoke experiments within your life

  • conscious awareness of mortality and Death as an ally in Life

  • Ordinary Magick and deep connection with Life

during the entirety of our work together, these will all be pointed in your direction to give you the greatest benefit that i can provide.

we could be kindred if…

regardless of your political leanings, respect and a recognition & honoring of the full humanity of others is vital to you.

if you speak in lyrics; if you can name that (Sleep Token, Breaking Benjamin, or Linkin Park) tune in 10 notes or fewer.

you have a strong, active preference to NOT see Orwell’s or Huxley’s (or any!) version of dystopia come into being.

Bittersweet by Susan Cain, The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware, No Time to Spare by Ursula K. Le Guin, or Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age by Katherine May are on your bookshelf.

regardless of your spiritual or religious leanings, you believe that everyone has the right to choose and practice their own leanings (even if that choice means no religious or spiritual leanings).

you have a real reverence for Mama Earth, Life, and Death. aaaannnnndddd you can be incredibly irreverent & try not to take yourself (or anything else) TOO seriously. oh, and… cursing doesn’t phase you. i curse. sometimes a lot.

and last but not least…

if you’re into (or at least open to) things like tarot & oracle cards, astrology, archetypal work, and similar AND (at the very same time) you’re grounded and interested in what actually works for you.

(after all, something can be super interesting, but if it doesn’t work for me, i’ve got no time or energy for it.)

where you come in

if, after all of this, you’re still nodding along (and not nodding off) you’ll prolly dig what i’m up to in the world.

if THAT’s true, join us.

my free luminous notes may feel like a homecoming for you.

i very sincerely hope that’s true.

pop right over here and sign up, and i’ll be in your inbox soon.

wow, you really are a curious bear!

(i totally dig that about you)

a little bit more about me, then.


dogs and trees (they are pretty much my favorite people), and fairy lights make my soul SING


an introverted HSP, 5/1 (Challenge Solver) ManGen, INFJ, Taurus 🌞 + Capricorn 🌙 + Libra ⏫


(strongly) that it’s our inherent paradox that makes us each such gorgeous facets of Life. that it’s the FULLNESS of who we are that makes us fascinating. take off the mask, good human. i see you, and you truly are STUNNING.