mirror | seeker | guide | depth-walker



because the larger changes that need to happen can’t happen without each of us stepping into ourSelves.

your life won’t wait for you

(so what are YOU waiting for?)

that question isn’t rhetorical, by the way.

because the truth is (and you’re old enough to know this from experience) that your life could be turned upside down in a hot second and before you’ve even had a chance to protest aloud.

you’ve probably had this happen in your life at least once already, haven’t you?

and then what, starlight?

what happened after you got knocked to your ass and shaken up by Life like the snow globes we all are?

did you go back to sleep?
(who could blame you? most of us do exactly that.)

or did you snap FULLY awake in that moment, look around, and wonder how the AF you got where you are, and where YOU went in the meantime?

 work with me 

let’s mine the gold and precious gems within you through archetypal astrology (and other tools)

written archetypal astrology roadmap

bespoke high-level (written) overview of the human you were born into this life as, and how you can put this awareness to work in your life right now.

your personal identity card pull

i pull two of my own personal identity cards and do a reading for you (general or situational) then send written or recorded reading via email.

 why this matters


“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

~Gospel of Thomas

because this society (and world, in truth) is on a collision course and the time for talking has long since passed. the time for doing is here, and we were born for these times (even if we sometimes question what the fuck we were thinking incarnating now). we are here for the doing. but the larger doing (changing huge structures and societies etc…) can’t be done without changing ourselves. we MUST heal ourselves and our trauma. we MUST see the truth of who we are. we MUST become who we came to be. only then can everything ‘outside’ begin to heal and see and become.

 hi. i’m angel 

when my bio mother passed unexpectedly at only 62, it suddenly became blindingly clear that i also won’t be here forever.

we all know this intellectually, but then something happens that brings this knowing to life in a way that it hadn’t been before. that’s what her passing was for me.

if you’ve landed here, that ‘something’ has likely happened to you too. luckily, there’s still time for you (because you’re here). that’s where i come in.

 an invitation 

back into your own shining depths via my (weekly-ish) luminous notes