Lighthouse in front of starry sky

Dreaming to Being

You may not believe me, but I know you.

Oh, we may not personally know each other (yet), but I know some important things about you.

In fact, I know things that others in your life, maybe even those closest to you, don’t know about you.

I know that you’ve long felt you could not bring all of yourSelf into your own damn life because so much of it seems (is) paradoxical, and to so many… that just doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t seem to work.

I know that you’ve never quite felt that you belonged, though you’ve tried. (Gods, how you’ve tried.)

And now, something within you is demanding that you step forward in ways you never have before.

Because some part of you knows that not only do you not, in fact, have forever to do this thing… it also knows that as you step forward, you’re creating space for belonging for others like you.

I also know that you’ve been dreaming about creating a life that suits, and reflects, who you truly are at your root.

    • the masking, weather-vaning, chameleon-like behavior you tend toward in order to try to get your needs met

    • pushing so hard that you're damn-near always in burnout mode

    • bending until you break because you’re trying to be who others want you to be


There is more than this, and it is accessible to you.