Everything Page

Not sure what the hell an ‘Everything Page’ even is?

This is where I list everything that I offer (free and paid) in one convenient place.

I learned about this from Lizzie Goddard.* Wanna learn too? Find out more here.

*Yes this is an affiliate link. You can read my full policy here.

  • This is my primary way of staying connected, and of helping YOU stay connected (to yourself and to the magick).

    Learn More and sign up Here.

  • Here you’ll find a visual sharing of ideas, examples, people, and resources that draw you into your own depths and invite you back into the mystery (over and over - because in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we forget).

    Watch and subscribe here.

  • Here you’ll find an audio sharing of ideas, examples, people, and resources that draw you into your own depths and invite you back into the mystery (over and over - because in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we forget).

    Listen right here on Spotify

    Listen here on Apple Podcasts

  • Transform how you see yourself through this unique blend of intuitive art and identity work - create your own set of identity cards that become powerful companions for expanding into more of who you really are.

    Learn more and sign up here.

  • You choose the deck (or decks) you prefer. I’ll do a reading and then share it with you via email. So quick, so simple, so clarifying.

    Learn more and book here.

  • You’ve done some kind of work with me already (for example, we’ve done some divination, or astrology or archetypal astrology work together) and are finding that some clarity and / or practical next steps would be super helpful. That’s what this is.

    Learn More and Sign up Here

  • Let your birth chart become your compass through life's biggest questions with focused astrological navigation that blends your natal blueprint and current cosmic weather.

    We'll navigate beyond generic horoscopes to reveal the specific celestial influences shaping your career or relationships, delivering clear, practical insights.

    Learn more and sign up here.

  • A personalized digital magazine that reveals who you truly are through your birth chart, weaving together your bespoke archetypal astrology, illuminating imagery, and honest insights to show you the magic and messiness of being uniquely you.

    See an example, learn more, and sign up here.

  • A deeply conscious awareness of your own mortality (and the mortality of everything and everyone you love) can often light a fire like nothing else can.

    This offer is for people who have walked that path and would like some support, AND is also for those who’d like to walk the path ahead of time.

    Reach out for more info.

  • More info coming soon. (This will be a year-long live intensive.)

    $2300 for the intensive (payment plan available)

    $3500 for intensive plus 1:1 mentoring (payment plan available)


    Sign up for my (free) Luminous Notes to hear when this is live