Not getting your
right-fit clients?
As a solopreneur / micro-biz owner, if you want the right clients, you need to stop pretending you’re a static, 2D version of yourself.
Instead, bring your
paradox to the table.
Not really sure what the hell
that actually even means?
In short, it means bringing more than just 1 or 2 of your sparkling facets to your website design & biz branding.
Wait just a dadgum minute.
(You might be thinking…)
Does this mean I need to air
my dirty laundry out in public
or some such nonsense???
No need to sneak out
the side door, friend.
(Yeah, you can release that
breath you’d been holding.)
What it actually means is that you and I work together to bring your primary archetypes forward and combine those facets of you with what we find in very specific areas of your natal chart.
Then I wave my magick wand* and POOF - we land on a translation of Who You Are… visualized in color, shape, and all kinds of fun bits.
This is you, brought to life on the public stage
so that your people can find you,
and so that they can see you.
*No actual magick wand will be used, unless you consider my inherent talents and the skill derived from lots of practice to be my magick wand!
Though a real magick wand would be entirely badass!

“You did a beautiful job capturing things about me I had no idea how to translate through image.”
~ Lisa Hatlestad
What this is
This is brand creation and styling that works WITH YOU to pull in your perfect people.
What it’s not
It’s not the same-old ways of showing up based on what you think others expect of you.
What it does
This work calls forth more of your beingness so that your right people can finally find & SEE, you.
How Much
$1200 - 2 payments of $600 each
What you get
an overview of your top 2-3 astrological archetypes, and how they interact with the other glimmering facets I’m holding as I create your bespoke styling
2-3 font options (paragraph, headline, and ‘special’)
your alchemical color palette
textures & patterns
examples of enchanting imagery
shapes & elements
filters & effects (if any)
1 logo, 1 alt-logo, 1 favicon
All of this magick will be grounded for you in a full-color, graphically delightful digital magazine (and downloadable pdf) that you can use to begin DIY’ing your own current or upcoming website.
Choose one:
A) I’ll start a Squarespace site for you so that you have the opportunity to take 20% off your first payment, AND you’ll receive a 6 month (vs 2 week) free trial in the meantime.
This also includes me setting up the fonts we’ve chosen for your branding, the colors we’ve chosen, and a basic home page template to get you started.
B) One 45 minute check-in call with me to be used at any point within three months following wrap. This can be to ask any questions about the implementation of the branding, or to talk about the archetypal pieces and how / whether those are coming into implementation. If there’s something else you’d prefer to discuss let me know before booking to verify your desired topic is in my wheelhouse.
C) Bewitching copywriting support: You’ll receive a short workbook to get the wheels turning, as well as a link to schedule a special call.
On that 30-minute call, we talk through your homework, and sink into the inky depths of YOUR twinkling words / phrases / tone / etc… in order to bring more of your paradox, and your you-ness, into your copy.
What you really get
: to step into the entrancing mosaic that is YOU, and learn how to visually represent that in ways that mesmerize your kindred clients.
: a weaving together of the deepest parts of your being, all brought forth from the mystical, into the mundane such that the collision of energies becomes the lantern lighting the way for those who need your support.
: magick. real magick. because there are parts of you that have been hidden for too damn long. parts that want to be acknowledged and seen. and if your business isn’t drawing the clients you want, it may be because you’re hiding your very best bits from your people.
see me shimmering
notice the light that’s within
shining from the depths
What’s Not Included
For example, I may recommend a font or two from someplace like Creative Market. Even if I do, I will also recommend free fonts.
You're totally welcome to choose paid fonts if you decide to go in that direction. I'll include links, and the license(s) I recommend so that you can purchase if you like.
I'll recommend several options for the types of images I suggest you consider using in your branding and website.
The actual image files will not be included in the handoff, though I will give you a way to find them if you'd like to work with them yourself.
After the consult call, no calls are included in this package unless you choose Bonus B, or Bonus C listed above.
If you'd like to add any calls, I have consult options available here.
Who it’s for
You are:
An LGBTQIA+ friendly person in the US
A micro (or small) service-based businesses owner
Someone who wants to do well, while doing good (not instead of doing good)
Open to astrology and some of the more esoteric ways of being in the world
I am:
An LGBTQIA+ friendly website designer in the US
A little bit woo-woo, and a little bit rock-n-roll
An animist-leaning human person
Really big on clean, clear communication, and self-awareness.
How it works
I respond to your email with either a scheduling link or a suggestion for someone who might be a better fit
We have a no-pressure call, and if it feels like a good fit for both of us, I’ll send you a proposal, with contract & invoice, to move forward
Why it’s important
you - come back to Life
your truth becomes your magick
the bones remember
It’s important because you’re here
And this time is the time you have to do and be
all that you came to do and be.
Step, now, more fully into All That Is
and All That You Are.
2 weeks
You sign our contract, and make the first (of two) $600 payment. Within a day or two, you’ll receive access to your personalized client portal.
Here, you’ll find all that you need to support you as we walk through the process together, including your pre-work.
The pre-work includes a link to the form I must have in order to start our work together.
Once I receive your completed form, I'll take a look at my schedule and pop your effervescent project into my next available time slot (we'll always start on a Monday), then will let you know our official start date.
On that date, I'll countersign our contract, and we're off!
By Friday of week 1, I'll send you the first draft of your brand board.
Make sure your weekend's open! You'll have all weekend to think it over and note any changes you'd like.
If I haven't heard from you by 9:00 am (eastern time) that coming Monday, I'll assume we're good to move forward with the options presented.
If you do have changes you'd like, make sure you get them to me before that time & I'll get to work implementing that day.
By end of my day that Monday (of week 2), I'll shoot you the updates, and you'll have until 9:00 am (eastern time) on that Wednesday to reply with any other small changes you'd like.
Wednesday, I'll start pulling all of these radiant pieces into a coherent whole, and prepping your files.
By Friday, I will have sent you a notification that everything is ready and waiting for you in your client portal, and you're free to fly as you choose.
slow down my darling
even dragonfly rests here
on vibrant green blades