Death as ally ( to Life )
From Sleepwalking to Fully Awake
(A 3-month 1:1 transformational journey)
You know there's more than *this*.
Deep in your bones, you feel it - there's so much more to life than going through the motions, checking boxes, and watching the days blur together. 👀
But making changes feels overwhelming. The thought of disrupting what you've built, even if it's not truly feeding your soul, can feel impossible.
I get it. I've been there - floating along in a life that wasn't terrible, but wasn't truly alive either. Then Death appeared as my unexpected teacher.

When Death Becomes Your Lantern in the Dark
Okay, I know what you're thinking - "Angel, this is getting a little weird with the death talk." Stay with me here.
Imagine you're deep in a cave, surrounded by darkness. You can barely see your hand in front of your face. (No, this isn't the start of a horror movie - I promise we're going somewhere good with this.)
This is how many of us move through life - fumbling in the dark, doing our best, but never quite sure if we're actually going in the right direction or just walking in very determined circles.
But what if death isn't the darkness we fear? What if it's actually the candle that illuminates everything - your priorities, your true desires, the path forward that's been waiting for you all along?
When my bio mother passed unexpectedly at just 62, it shook me awake. Once the fog lifted, I saw with crystal clarity that I had a choice: continue sleepwalking through life, or wake up and truly live. Within two years, I had completely transformed my life - leaving behind what wasn't serving me and stepping into a way of being that feels lit up from the inside out.
This video expands on that metaphor above just a bit…
This Is Your Invitation to Wake Up
Death as ally (to Life) is an intimate 3-month journey where we work together to:
Illuminate what's keeping you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you
Connect deeply with your own inner wisdom using practical tools and ancient wisdom
Transform your relationship with both death/Death and life/Life
Rediscover the awe, joy, and yes, even the bittersweetness that makes life worth living
Step fully into your own unique way of being alive
Illuminating Life Through Death's Wisdom
🦋 ⏳ 💀
Illuminating Life Through Death's Wisdom 🦋 ⏳ 💀
What You'll Receive:
Over our quarter together, you'll be fully supported through:
Your bespoke archetypal astrology makeup, which reveals your unique strengths, challenges, and the push/pull between the facets of your being that are (or could be) standing in the foreground of your life
Insights from your natal chart as they relate to our work together + current cosmic weather as it relates to your natal chart and our work together
Twice monthly 90-minute one-to-one calls where we dive deep into your journey and process
Voice and text support via Voxer between sessions to ensure you're never alone in this transformation
Regular check-ins and personalized guidance as you navigate this awakening

The Journey Between Sessions
Let's be real about what this work actually looks like (because I'm not about that toxic positivity life).
Between our calls, you'll be:
Practicing deeper awareness of your internal landscape
Playing with energy work both during our sessions and on your own (no prior experience required, just curiosity)
Exploring journal prompts and other tools for integration (but I promise not to make you write "Dear Diary" I mean… unless you really want to 🤷🏼♀️)
Reaching out via Voxer when you:
Need support navigating the weird in-between spaces
Want reassurance that you're not actually losing your mind (you're probably not - this is just what transformation often feels like)
Have questions about what's coming up
Just need someone who gets it to listen
Allowing space for integration and the emergence of new patterns (aka sometimes feeling like absolutely nothing is happening right before everything changes)
Think of me as your transformation doula - I'm here to support you through the messy, beautiful process of becoming more fully yourself.

What Success Looks Like
Look, I'm not going to promise you'll suddenly become a TikTok-ready morning routine person who drinks green juice at 5am (unless that's your thing - in which case, rock on 🤘). What I will promise is this: as with any profound transformation, there's a space between death and rebirth - think of it as life's intermission, where the old has fallen away but the new hasn't yet fully emerged. When you move through this space with support, things start to shift in ways that might surprise you.
Remember that feeling when you were a kid and everything felt possible? When you'd get so excited about something that you couldn't sit still? That's what being truly alive feels like. And while I can't promise you'll feel that way 24/7 (because hello, we're human), you'll begin to:
Wake up actually looking forward to your day (yes, even Mondays - who knew?!)
Feel that spark of aliveness that makes even ordinary moments feel kind of magical
Find yourself getting excited about possibilities instead of immediately shutting them down with "but I could never..."
Make choices from a place of "hell yes!" or "no thanks!" instead of "I guess I should..."
Finally understand what people mean when they talk about feeling "lit up from the inside"
Notice beauty in places you used to walk right past
Develop a transformed relationship with death/Death and life/Life that has you appreciating both the belly laughs and the more solemn moments
Start treating yourself like someone you actually care about (revolutionary, I know!)
Find yourself doing that thing you've always wanted to try but kept putting off because "someday when..."
In other words, you'll start really living instead of just existing. And trust me - once you experience the difference, you won't want to go back to sleepwalking through your days.

Why 3 months?
This work requires time to unfold. A month is too brief for real transformation to take root, but a year can feel like too big a commitment when you're just beginning. Three months gives us the perfect container to dive deep while maintaining momentum and focus.
Your Investment: $1,500
This represents not just financial investment, but a commitment to yourself and your own awakening. It's choosing to stop postponing your real life and start living it now.

Is this for you?
This work might be calling you if you…
Maybe you see them but have felt unable to take the next steps. Maybe you just know they’re there but can’t quite see them.
Whew. Been there, done that (too many times to tell you without embarrassing myself).
This can help.
Sometimes, someone to walk the path with you is all you really need to take those next steps (or to see them clearly).
Are you feeling like you’ve wasted enough time already? I know I have.
This isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. I want you to be SUPER clear on that going in.
It’s deep work, and doesn’t always feel good (often, it won’t… at least until you’ve gotten to the rebirth part).
This probably isn't your jam if:
I wish I had a magic wand, but transformation takes time.
Totally understandable, but not what we're doing here.
Spoiler alert: it's not always comfortable.
If anyone promises you this, run.
I'm here to help you discover that for yourself.
You know who you are. 👀
No judgment - timing is everything.
Oh honey, transformation is many things, but linear isn't one of them.

Next steps
If you feel called to this work, let's connect.
Remember: Your time here is limited. But that doesn't have to be scary - it can be the very thing that awakens you to the profound beauty and possibility of your life, right now.
Submit this brief form and I’ll reach out to share a scheduling link for a brief (and free - zero pressure) chat over Zoom to determine whether this is the right fit for both of us.
If it’s not, I may have some other (free or paid) resources (my own or others’) that I can share to help you along your path.