Anything (Archetypal) Astro

  • Yep. I've had too many instances of astrology (and specifically Archetypal Astrology) making something crystal clear for me in ways that nothing else has to not "buy into this stuff". 💯

  • Placidus. Sometimes (but rarely) Koch. (Nope, I don’t use Whole House. Yep, there are reasons. No I’m not interested in debating the merits of any of them.) 😎

Anything Design & Styling

  • I (mostly) use Google Docs.

  • Mostly, that's ok! Part of the work we'll do together is uncover who you came into this incarnation as (and who you came to become. These are related but not the same).

    You'll need to be willing to trust me. At least, to a degree.

    AND you'll need to be wiling and able to listen internally, and trust YOURSELF (rather than seeking out others opinions on every little detail).

    If you're willing and able to be present in and with me, and the process, we'll land on something that's very you.

    (Maybe even a version of you that you've suspected, or hoped, was there... but weren't sure before now.) 🤩

  • The first thing to know is that I'm super clear that your brand styling / design (and / or website if you're going that route) aren't mine.

    I've got mine. 😉

    That said, there are definitely things that I'm not interested in doing for various reasons.

    For example, I don't care how much you love the Papyrus font, we will not be utilizing it in your branding or website. 🫠

    There are several fonts that fall into that category, by the way. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I also won't be creating or participating in anything that is damaging or hurtful to other humans. Hard stop.

    Beyond that, I'm all about experimenting and pushing our own boundaries (safely, and thoughtfully).

    You can also always reach out to me so we can talk about it first.

  • I don't (and won't) use AI in my design process, no. I sometimes utilize AI for brainstorming or as a start to content creation. The only time I have utilized it in client projects is for help creating SEO descriptions that I can then edit, though of course you are welcome to utilize it as you see fit in your own project.

Watercolor purple flowers in vase

Anything Website

  • Nope. The work I do is different from any other website designer I’ve come across, so any website work we do together means we need to start from the foundation (which is the design & styling via the lens of your bespoke archetypal astrology). From there, I will build your website from scratch in Squarespace.

  • Squarespace, only always. I’ve used others, and don’t any longer for a number of reasons. If I’m starting your website, you’ll be able to take 20% off your first payment to them, so yay for that!

    Learn more here.

  • Sometimes people want to know:

    Can't you just build my site on Wordpress? (Or Wix, or Showit, or...)

    Nope. Squarespace.

    Unfortunately that means that if you're not open to Squarespace for your own site, this won't be a great fit.

    Fortunately, we can still do the branding and design work together. Learn more here.

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