What is Archetypal Astrology?
An archetype is:
“a statement, pattern of behavior, prototype, ‘first’ form, or a main model that other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy, emulate, or ‘merge’ into.” (Wikipedia)
Pattern of behavior
For example…
You may have heard of lots of different archetypes, among them (perhaps):
Archetypal astrology as I’ve learned it from my mentor, Karen Hawkwood, utilizes the natal birth chart (which is a chart that shows the positions of the planets at the moment you were born) to get clarity about your overarching ways of being and patterns of behavior.
Together, you and I will work with it to uncover the unique perspective yours gives you so that you can do the work you do the way that only you can do it.
We then build a brand + style guide (and potentially a website, depending on the package you choose) around who you truly are and how your work is unique to you, so that it can reach and draw in the people who most need what you have to give.

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”
Why would you want to design your website around your Archetypal Astrology?
The most common ways that websites are designed and created are either to appeal to your ‘Ideal Customer Avatar’, or to suit your personal taste.
Neither of those have worked for me because both felt flat and incomplete.
They often only showed a single aspect of who I really am.
That won’t cut it for solopreneurs and micro-businesses as we step further into a future in which people crave what’s real.
Instead, I believe that the very best thing you can do is to fully embody who you are and who you came here to be, then shine that out into the world in order to show your perfect people who and where you are.
Designing your website around your archetypal astrology takes who you were born as and to be and integrates that into your site such that your people are drawn to what you’re doing ‘cause they’re drawn to who you’re being.
Hint - they can’t actually see you if you’re hiding behind a mask.
(Even if it’s a very shiny-happy-people one. 🎶)
It’s time to step forward.
This time, as all of you.